Trademark investigations are mainly categorized into three fields, which are enlisted as-

Before launching any new Product pre-use investigations:

Pre-use investigations against individuals or companies are required before launching any new trademark, brand, name or product to complete due diligence of the desired mark.

Trademark infringement investigations:

Trademark infringement investigations are required when your existing trademark, brand, name etc. are infringed in any manner; such as, infringements in the form of similar word, name, symbol or device or any combination thereof that are likely to cause confusion in the minds of the end consumer.

Anti-counterfeit investigations:

Counterfeit goods are spread worldwide. Anti-counterfeit investigations are necessary when one’s established brand name is being or under the threat of being copied, imitated or replicated.

To protect your brand name, NB & Associates conduct Trademark Investigations properly, smoothly and sincerely to provide with the comprehensive report including but not limited to:-


  • Current use or non-use of the mark;
  • Past use or non-use of the mark;
  • Duration of use of the mark;
  • Online use of the mark;
  • Identifying goods and services under the mark;
  • Obtaining samples of the products;
  • Collecting evidence of the use of mark such as photographs of the signage and hoarding, business card, brochure, price list, product literature etc;
  • Identifying the infringer or the company infringing the mark;
  • Background and current profile of the individual or company;
  • Determining the style and nature of trade;
  • Identify the counterfeited stock;

Our first hand survey team is specialized in conducting investigations including but not limited to the fields of pharmaceuticals, electronics, automobiles, lubricants, paints, chemicals, hotels, restaurants, medical instruments, utensil, clothing, footwear, kitchenware, real estate, magazines, cosmetics & beauticians element, education, stationery, mobiles & its accessories, industrial goods, finance, event management, hypermarket, pesticides, hair oil, spices, tobacco, toys, health supplements and many more.